She married young and worked to put her husband through seminary. They had a great marriage. He was a Pastor of a church and she as well was considered Pastor. They raised two boys. She loved her life and she loved her husband. Then quite unexpectedly he died. She was left with no money. Emotionally she fell apart because her husband was her life.
Yet TODAY she says, "I never truly knew Jesus like I know Him now. I would not bring my husband back from the dead if it meant going back to where I was. His death was worth it because of the beauty of knowing Jesus like I do now."
You see, in all the years of her marriage and even of being a Pastor's wife....she didn't know Jesus enough. She didn't know that He was all-sufficient or that He was the wild lover of her soul. When she counseled people at her church, she couldn't even give them the right advice because she did not know that there is nothing that the nearness of Jeus can't cure. Only at the death of her husband and her subsequent grief did she learn to know Jesus in a deep, intimate way.
When this woman told me her story, her face sparkled. We met each other in Berlin as she had come with European Initiative ( to do evangelism. TotheStreets had joined up witn E.I. and we were doing worship on the train that encircles Berlin. She sat next to me on the train and started asking me questions. I could tell that she was genuinely interested in me which is so rare to see in this day and age. She was kind, compassionate and lively. It wasn't until the next day that I learned her story.
Train Worship |
I have been mediatating on Colossians 1: 27 this week. It says, "For it pleased God to tell his people that the riches and glory of Chjrist are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: CHRIST LIVES IN YOU, and this is your assurance that you will share His glory." This is mind-boggling. Jesus, the most beautiful one, full of joy, excitement, the creator of the world and the one who experienced resurrection LIVES in ME!!!! The one with all the riches, the one with complete compassion & understanding, the one who knows me inside and out and still loves me.....He dwells IN ME!!!!
Yes....knowing HIM is worth everything.