"Faith consumes itself not with questions but with a person, and that person is Jesus. Simply put, we are asking too many questions that would never be issues were we in His presence. All fear of the future would leave my young children's faces when they were in my lap. Climb into His lap and rest in faith." Author Michael Wells
As Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey's colt, "most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting,
'Praise God for the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise God in highest heaven!' The entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar.
Matthew 21:8-10
Jesus went from being praised and honored to upsetting the statuesque of the sellers in the temple. (Matthew 21:12-17). It must have been a temptation to stay in the admiration of the people, after-all they were acknowledging that He WAS the "Son of David"! They knew the Messiah would come from the line of David and by giving Him this title - they were acknowledging His diety.
Jesus stayed obedient to the Father. He didn't gloat in the glory. He overturned tables and used a whip to drive them out!
Walking in obedience never looks like how we think it will look.
With Jesus they thought, "Trimumphant King" yet He came as a poor carpenter.
They thought the Messiah would dine with Kings yet he called poor, uneducated fishermen.
They thought the Messiah would overthrow the government, yet the government crucified Him.
David Brainerd (1718-1747) preached among Native American Indians at the age of 24. He suffered a lot. His diet was meager and unwholesome, His lodging a log hut, and his bed a bundle of straw spread on boards. He describes his condition, "I am now quite alone with no friend to take sweet counsel together. In my weak state of health, I have no bread, nor could I get any. I am often forced to go ten or fifteen miles in stormy and severe weather for all the bread I eat, and sometimes it is moldy and sour. I was almost outdone with the extreme fatigue and wet. Yet, I love to live alone in my own little cottage where I can spend much time in prayer."
Oh the sweetness of fellowship with Jesus! When I read this I thought about how nothing is comparable to spending time with Jesus! Even through cold and near starvation the presence of Jesus was sweet to David. We need to stop trying to make things look like we think they should look. I'm sure David never imagined the hard conditions working with the Indians. He died very young, not four years later. To the world, his life looks worthless. Yet, his biography became a source of inspiration and encouragement to many Christians, including missionaries William Carey and Jim Elliot. Even today, his name rings from the earth and I am encouraged by his words. Hundreds of Indians were converted through David's preaching. In heaven we will get to see the impact his life made on this earth.
Welcome to my blog! I mostly blog about inspirations that I receive from the Holy Spirit as well as information from books I've read or news items that have sparked my attention. I love to have feed-back or comments and will try to answer all.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Oil of Jesus
Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else. Psalm 45:6-7
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Being turned on the Stryker Frame |
Last year, I had a three day period where oil (in the natural) was spilled in my home. The first day I was pulling a jar of Olive Oil out of my cupboard when it seemed to jump from my hands and fall onto my tiled flour with a loud crash. Oil was everywhere, along with the broken glass and it took a long time to clean up. I thought I'd never pick up all the oil. The next morning, I had a jar of ear-oil next to my bed and the cap was off, the jar fell over and oil spilled all over my night stand. The third day, I opened a jar of peppers that were soaking in oil and it toppled over and spilled all over my kitchen counter! A friend of mine was staying with me and she said, "The Lord is trying to tell you something!" At first, I thought it was all such a nuisance but in thinking about it, I realized that it was very unusual that three containers of oil had spilled in my home. My friend found this scripture from the Song of Solomon and wrote it on my bathroom wall: "How fragrant is your cologne; your name is like its spreading fragrance."
We felt that the Lord was giving us a new anointing but as I sought the Lord and thought about these things, the vision came back to me of Jesus holding the pitcher of water over my friend and pouring the oil upon her. The Lord kept expanding that picture in my mind. He highlighted this verse to me from John 16:7 which says, "But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don't the Advocate won't come. If I do go away, then I will send Him to you." He showed me that it is HE that sends the Holy Spirit and then He further showed me that He is still sending the Spirit and delights to do so. Ephesians 5:18 says, "Don't get drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts." "Be filled" is present tense.
I believe that when the oil was spilling in my house, Jesus was telling me, "Come to me everyday for a fresh splash of oil! I am in heaven with my pitcher full and I'm always ready to pour out more and more on you. Come and let me pour on you and drink freely." We can ask again and again and He delights to pour the oil upon us!
Psalm 133:2 is a beautiful picture of how he wants the oil to saturate us. "For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron's head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe."
May we be dripping with the oil of the Holy Spirit. It has no cost, it is completely free! "Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink-- even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk--it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good?" Isaiah 55: 1-2
Saturday, January 19, 2013
The story of Jesus and John the Baptist is so amazing to me. They were cousins! Did they play together as young boys? Most cousins that I know are really close - almost closer than brothers and sisters because they are related yet not close enough for the fights that siblings have. I am sure that whether they saw a lot of each other or a little, that they loved one another.
John not only prophesied of Jesus but he was also a prophet to the nations. He spoke God's truth and told Herod (the ruler of Galilee) that he shouldn't marry his brother's former wife. As most of us know, this made the new wife angry and when her daughter danced for Herod, she so pleased him that he told her he would give her whatever she wanted, even up to half of his kingdom. Her mother told her to ask for the head of John on a platter. The King was dismayed but he granted their wish and John was beheaded.
When John was put in prison he had some very low moments. I used to think that he was a saint from beginning to end but we find him asking the question, "Is Jesus really the Messiah or should we look for another?" (Luke 7:19). In other word, John was asking, "Why am I in prison? Why aren't you using your power to get me out if you are the Messiah?" His words sound almost like a taunt to Jesus. He is disillusioned, disappointed and distraught. We can only imagine what the prison was like.
Jesus response to John's disciples, (who had asked the question for John) was, "Go back and tell John what you've seen and heard - the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor. And tell him: God blesses those who do not run away because of me." (Luke 7:22-23).
Hidden in Jesus words is a promise, "Those who aren't offended by me are BLESSED". Yet I look at John's life and I think, "How was he blessed? He was in prison! He was beheaded!"
I believe that once John heard the words of Jesus, he repented of his doubt. He may have repented with tears and as he did, I believe that peace came down and flooded his soul. He was restored to right relationship with His heavenly Father. He now had supernatural strength to face what was just ahead. I wonder if he may have seen visions of his heavenly home to come. His heart may have been flooded with joy. I believe the Father held him in his arms when he was beheaded and escorted him lovingly to his new home.
Herod was tortured by his deed and believed that John came back in the form of Jesus. I think it is interesting to note that Jesus had nothing to do with the Kings and rulers of this world (other than during his trial and crucifixion). Here He was, the one true King and he went to fishermen and prostitutes.
John's disciples went and told Jesus that John was dead. Even though Jesus may have known this was going to happen, he still had all the emotions of a man. I believe that this news impacted him greatly. He loved John. I'm sure He would have loved to have used his power to free him from prison but Jesus only did what the Father told him to do - John 5:19. Now his friend, his cousin, the man he loved was dead. When Jesus heard the news He immediately went away to be alone. (Matthew 14:13). But the crowds followed him, over 5000 of them and He chose to serve them rather than go into "me" time. He healed them; He fed them; and He loved them. That same night He sent them all home and insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake. (Matthew 14:22). Finally, He was alone. Oh the mixture of emotion He was have had! As a man - he'd just lost one of his best friends and that man had doubted him, been hurt by him and then beheaded!
I wonder if Jesus was able to speak to John - now in paradise? Or did Jesus see him in glory? Did John smile at Jesus and say, "I'm so sorry I misunderstood you! The pain was all worth it! I love you Jesus, my King and my Lord!"
Did Jesus weep alone - experiencing for us the sorrow of loss and rejection? The bible says that He understands everything that we go through. Did Jesus have moments of confusion and doubt?
I believe that in the final moments of Jesus night time prayer and struggles, He came away refreshed and victorious! He had prayed till 2:30 or 3:00am as the bible records in Matthew 14:25 that it was at 3am that Jesus came towards the boat where His disciples were afraid and caught in a strong storm. Maybe He was so HIGH and so FILLED with the glory of God and so blessed to "SEE" John in glory that in His joy he walked on water to the disciples in the boat! I imagine His sweetness and his heart saying to his friends, "Don't be afraid! I'm here!"
John not only prophesied of Jesus but he was also a prophet to the nations. He spoke God's truth and told Herod (the ruler of Galilee) that he shouldn't marry his brother's former wife. As most of us know, this made the new wife angry and when her daughter danced for Herod, she so pleased him that he told her he would give her whatever she wanted, even up to half of his kingdom. Her mother told her to ask for the head of John on a platter. The King was dismayed but he granted their wish and John was beheaded.
When John was put in prison he had some very low moments. I used to think that he was a saint from beginning to end but we find him asking the question, "Is Jesus really the Messiah or should we look for another?" (Luke 7:19). In other word, John was asking, "Why am I in prison? Why aren't you using your power to get me out if you are the Messiah?" His words sound almost like a taunt to Jesus. He is disillusioned, disappointed and distraught. We can only imagine what the prison was like.
Jesus response to John's disciples, (who had asked the question for John) was, "Go back and tell John what you've seen and heard - the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor. And tell him: God blesses those who do not run away because of me." (Luke 7:22-23).
Hidden in Jesus words is a promise, "Those who aren't offended by me are BLESSED". Yet I look at John's life and I think, "How was he blessed? He was in prison! He was beheaded!"
I believe that once John heard the words of Jesus, he repented of his doubt. He may have repented with tears and as he did, I believe that peace came down and flooded his soul. He was restored to right relationship with His heavenly Father. He now had supernatural strength to face what was just ahead. I wonder if he may have seen visions of his heavenly home to come. His heart may have been flooded with joy. I believe the Father held him in his arms when he was beheaded and escorted him lovingly to his new home.
Herod was tortured by his deed and believed that John came back in the form of Jesus. I think it is interesting to note that Jesus had nothing to do with the Kings and rulers of this world (other than during his trial and crucifixion). Here He was, the one true King and he went to fishermen and prostitutes.
John's disciples went and told Jesus that John was dead. Even though Jesus may have known this was going to happen, he still had all the emotions of a man. I believe that this news impacted him greatly. He loved John. I'm sure He would have loved to have used his power to free him from prison but Jesus only did what the Father told him to do - John 5:19. Now his friend, his cousin, the man he loved was dead. When Jesus heard the news He immediately went away to be alone. (Matthew 14:13). But the crowds followed him, over 5000 of them and He chose to serve them rather than go into "me" time. He healed them; He fed them; and He loved them. That same night He sent them all home and insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake. (Matthew 14:22). Finally, He was alone. Oh the mixture of emotion He was have had! As a man - he'd just lost one of his best friends and that man had doubted him, been hurt by him and then beheaded!
I wonder if Jesus was able to speak to John - now in paradise? Or did Jesus see him in glory? Did John smile at Jesus and say, "I'm so sorry I misunderstood you! The pain was all worth it! I love you Jesus, my King and my Lord!"
Did Jesus weep alone - experiencing for us the sorrow of loss and rejection? The bible says that He understands everything that we go through. Did Jesus have moments of confusion and doubt?
I believe that in the final moments of Jesus night time prayer and struggles, He came away refreshed and victorious! He had prayed till 2:30 or 3:00am as the bible records in Matthew 14:25 that it was at 3am that Jesus came towards the boat where His disciples were afraid and caught in a strong storm. Maybe He was so HIGH and so FILLED with the glory of God and so blessed to "SEE" John in glory that in His joy he walked on water to the disciples in the boat! I imagine His sweetness and his heart saying to his friends, "Don't be afraid! I'm here!"
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