To The Streets in Southern Germany
the end of March we traveled to Albstadt in southern Germany and
stayed for one month with our good friends, Rolf and Andrea Kastle.
Rolf and Andrea's church is called BGG Zollernalb in Hechingen and is related to the "Gospel Forum" in Stuttgart. It is in an area with
three villages: Hechingen, Ebingen and Balingen Rolf's church is in
Hechingen and a sister church is in Ebingen. They have a vision to
plant a third church in Balingen. There is a main BGG church in
Stuttgart from which these churches were birthed. The whole area is
beautiful. Big tree-covered mountains surround darling villages
which are tucked down in the valleys. The people work hard and you
see the pay-off in their beautiful homes and cars.
& Andrea
is a very hard-working man. He is a landscape architect, full-time
pastor of the church and father to four children. Two of the
children are out of the home and two boys still living at home. Rolf
has the most fun-loving spirit and was always eager for whatever task
was at hand. Andrea is calm, serene and full of love and wisdom.
She loved to worship and every morning she had her guitar and could
be found singing her heart out to Jesus. They welcomed us into their
home as if we were long-lost family. It was hard for us to launch
out on the mission field after Gabe's passing but the Lord gave us
that beautiful and safe environment to get back on our feet. Not
only did we minister but we were ministered to. One powerful night,
Rolf prayed over me and asked forgiveness as a man for all that my
ex-husband had done to me and he prayed healing into my life about
Gabe. On another night, he adopted Thilo as his son and then called
the men who were gathered to surround Thilo with prayer. It was so
intimate and amazing to watch. They prophesied and sang over him.
At the end they picked him up by the legs and hands and swung him as
a father would a son and threw him on the couch!
I got to teach on prayer to the
leader's of the church and one of the things I shared was how
missionary Jackie Pulinger would walk around Hong Kong just speaking
in tongues. From doing just that, the Holy Spirit worked powerfully
through her to birth a ministry to drug addicts. I shared how Bre
and I decided to do the same thing in Berlin and how we as well had
amazing results. They were excited and wanted to try it. So we all
met in a village called Balingen where they would like to plant a
church. We broke off into groups of 2 and 3 and I instructed them
that for the next hour no german or english could be spoken. We
would prayer walk Balingen, speaking in tongues and listening to
where the Holy Spirit would like us to go. Pastor Rolf and I went
with a sweet older lady and we ran into three different people that
they knew. We were able to pray over one lady who had been to Rolf's
church; we gave Christian tracts to a Muslim couple that the older
lady knew; and we encouraged a Christian worship leader that Rolf
hadn't seen in a long time. We all returned to the square after one
hour excited to share what the Holy Spirit had done. Almost every
one had a story and out of this prayer time came an initiative to do
a street outreach right there in the main town square of Balingen.
The word “party” came and we decided to have a big street party
in anticipation of Easter and celebrating His resurrection.
Street Party Outreach
The party street outreach was all we
could ever have wanted or hoped for. Rain was predicted for the day
but we had beautiful sunshine! We had helium balloons for the kids;
a water area that Rolf (a landscape architect as well as Pastor)
designed for the kids complete with a small fountain; tables with
champagne and crackers; face painting; live music courtesy of Thilo;
soap bubbles courtesy of Bre; and free hugs from me. The atmosphere
was alive and festive. We had all decided to wear fancy clothes
which added to the fun. One of the church's evangelists, Uwe gave
away almost all of our impressive Easter evangelism tracts and had
many good conversations with people. In addition, almost everyone
had one good spirit-led conversation. Thilo not only sang but
preached the gospel several times over the microphone.
Rolf's water-fun for the kids |
Having fun at our street evangelism |
Toni & Netty
We had the privilege of meeting and
befriending a wonderful couple from the church – Toni & Annet.
They have a business in Ebingen called 'Second Life' which has the
double meaning of buying second hand goods and taking on a new life.
They sell used furniture, household items and knick-knacks. In fact
their shop is packed to the brim with wonderful antiques and almost
any household item you can imagine. Annet (Netty) let us take
anything we wanted. What joy! It's a good thing we live in an R.V.
otherwise I know we would have been tempted to take too many things.
I got a beautiful blue candle holder and Bre found a cute apron and
hat. We loved Toni & Netty. We loved their ideas and vision.
They have art days in their shop where people can come and paint so
we spent two wonderful days just painting in the shop and chatting
with people who came in to browse. Netty always had tea and cookies
on hand for us. Toni is a brilliant artist and has painted many
pictures for the kingdom. The first time I saw one of his pictures I
gasped because it was so amazing. It was an honor to get to spend
time with him and hear the story behind his amazing art. Thilo was
so inspired that he decided to actually interview Toni and get him
and his art on camera. He gave us permission to take one of his
pictures and print postcards which we then passed out on the street
with the name of the church and a poem on the back.
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Lunch with Netti & Toni |
Toni's picture we made into a postcard |
Carrying the Cross
One day the three of us decided to go
to the City Center and preach the gospel. I felt led to play the
guitar and sing some songs and while I was doing so a Muslim man
tried to stare me down. His face conveyed the thoughts, “You
cannot speak of Jesus in our city.” I asked him if I could pray
for him and he sort of leaped away from me in fear. I decided to
just start praying and while I was doing so he began twirling in
circles as if to twirl away our prayers and then he took off fast
down the street. From that encounter and the fact that the city had
just installed some very questionable sculptures that conveyed
sexual-New Age overtones, Bre got her cross-initiative from the Lord.
Rolf supplied the wood which was a
large tree branch which Bre used to make a cross. She also made a
beautiful sign which she hung over the cross that said, “Jesus is
the Only God” in German and Turkish. We drove to Ebingen with the
cross taking up most of the room in the back of our RV and parked
near the city center. We got out and with Bre carrying the cross we
began walking in what we thought was the direction of the City
Center. We went the wrong way and had to re-trace our steps but we
felt that it was God's way of carrying the cross where He wanted it
seen. Bre felt a great joy carrying the cross and a supernatural
boldness. As we passed people we saw them reading our sign, either
out loud or to themselves and we were excited that the truth of the
gospel was being spoken on their lips whether they believed it our
not. A lot of people smiled at us while others looked at us
disdainfully. We felt that what we did was a prophetic declaration
to the town that the devil's reign was over and it was time for Jesus
people to take their stand.The next day we carried the cross through
Balingen, the city where Rolf would like to plant a new church and at
the end of our walk we placed the cross on the empty building that
Rolf would like to rent for church services. The cross looked
beautiful leaning up in a corner of the building and it looked right
out onto the main street of Balingen.
Bre & Kim with the Cross |
Small Groups
We attended all four of the small
groups in the church and were privileged to teach or share. I spoke
one night on prayer and another time about the relationship between
Jesus and John the Baptist. Bre spoke about positioning yourself as a
child in the Kingdom of God and Thilo gave an encouraging talk about
not giving up. Twice we attended a weekly prayer meeting which
prayed for the city. It met in an older ladies house named Ilsa who
found the Lord in her older age through her daughter Angelica who
lives right next door. Max - an 86 year old man led worship on the
guitar which was very sweet and rich. I fell in love with Max. His
love for Jesus was palpable and he was passionate about doing things
for God. We loved hearing his stories of the war and how he escaped
as a young 17 year old.
Max leading us in worship |
Prayer Walking
We went prayer walking with Andrea and
a woman named Elka twice. They took us to the mountains overlooking
the city and both times we had powerful prayer times. We also went
on a LONG hike with Rolf, walking from their house all the way to the
top of a mountain which was across the small valley from their
house. It seemed impossible when we looked at the distance but in
the end it wasn't so bad. The hard part was at the end, making it up
the steep part of the mountain. We were glad we pushed through. At
the top was a bench and a small box was attached to a tree that had
tracts inside for people to read. We were thankful that Rolf called
Andrea to come and pick us up! We walked back down the mountain and
a little ways into the valley where she met us.
We were humbled and blessed when Rolf
asked us if we would like to preach. It's not every day that you
come across a Pastor so willing to share his pulpit and with women as
well! I took the first Sunday, Bre the second and Thilo was
privileged to preach on Easter Sunday. Rolf always made it known
that we were available to pray for people after the service and each
time we loved praying and prophesying over them.
24-7 BURN (Worship)
We also presented the idea of doing a
BURN and the church took that on. Rolf rented a room and Andrea
organized 4 sets of worship teams for the 6-hour Burn. Bre and I
opened with the first hour set – she on piano, me on guitar and
Thilo on cajon. We helped implement art at the Burn which was
something new for the church. Initially Rolf couldn't quite wrap his
brain around the idea of doing art in the same room as worship but in
the end he loved it along with everyone else. Toni did an amazing
picture and was often seen dancing while he painted. He presented
the finished painting to a woman named Slobadanka at her birthday
party and she received it with thankful tears. We were blessed when
the Pastor from BGG Ebingen came to the Burn along with Hartmut (the
former Pastor) and his wife. At the end of the six hours, no one
could believe how fast the time went and we all felt full of joy.
You don't find many men like Hartmut!
When we first met him three years ago we were impressed that after
the all-church banquet he was in the kitchen washing dishes and
running around to see if anyone wanted more coffee. I don't know if
I have ever seen a head-Pastor with such humility. He has such a big
heart for people that he resigned the Pastorate and began ministering
to down and out people struggling through life, often with addiction
problems. Step by step the Lord led him till now he runs a house
with former addicts. They live together in community and help each
other stay clean. We were invited one evening to have dinner and
fellowship with them. It turned out to be such a rich evening as we
got to hear their testimonies. Afterwards, I felt led to give one of
the ladies my “Hopes Alive” T-shirt which the three of us had
gotten in the United States from a friend who came out of addiction
and designed the shirt and started a business. The lady was so
appreciative that we felt led to bless the whole house with T-shirts.
Hopefully it will be soon that they are delivered to them from the
United States!
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Hope's Alive T-Shirt |
Another amazing person in Southern
Germany is Uwe. We met him three years ago when we first went to
Rolf's church to teach on evangelism. Uwe was eager. He had never
evangelized before and he had such a teachable spirit. On this trip,
we heard his testimony and were deeply touched to find that he was
rejected by his whole family because of his faith in Jesus. He came
out of a deep involvement in the New Age religion and was delivered
from many things. I have rarely met such a joyful, humble man.
Likewise we loved his wife, Slobadanka who also shared her amazing
testimony of coming out of a gypsy background. She could write a
book. Uwe works in a home were mentally ill people live together and
are considered hopeless cases. He invited us to come visit the home
on Easter day when he was working. When we arrived, Uwe met us at
the door with his big smile and ushered us into the kitchen area.
There were about 8 people waiting for us and the table was laid with
cake and coffee. Some of the people seemed thrilled that we were
there while others seemed angry or confused. We all introduced
ourselves and made small talk while we ate our cake. Then Thilo
started singing a fun song about loving Jesus and they all started
clapping and singing along. It was wonderful and the more we sang
the more joy seemed to come down. A few of them left the room but
most of them seemed to be deeply ministered to. We got to lay hands
on and pray for a woman who was extremely disabled due to drugs. She
was open for prayer and healing and I made a commitment to keep her
in my prayers. Our hearts went out to Uwa for working in such a
hard, spiritually oppressive place. He was so loving and amazing to
the people and we felt it was important that we keep him in our
Besides all the ministering we did, we
spent a lot of time being invited to people's homes for lunch or
dinner as well as being taken out as tourists. We got to see the
Alps and we were taken to some caves deep under the earth with many
stalagmites. One thing I will never forget is the tour guide asked
if anyone would want to sing as the particular cave we were in had
good acoustics. Someone offered that his girlfriend could sing but
she was too shy. Then Bre said, “Thilo can sing!” Thilo stepped
forward, took a deep breath and began to belt out, “Then sings my
soul, my Lord my God to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou
art!” The sound resonated around us and in those few seconds the
glory of God came down. It was wonderful. Through that we met
another Christian and Thilo was able to share our faith with some
other people.
So our time in southern Germany came to
an end and it was with many tears and hugs that we said goodbye to
our family. We believe we will be back and we pray that someday we
can join them on one of their outreaches to Africa.