Monday, May 23, 2016

Homosexuality is a Sin!

They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Romans 1:25-27

I'm not afraid to say that homosexuality is a sin.

Adultery is sin.
Stealing is sin.
Lying is sin.
Killing is sin.
Worshiping anything other than God is sin.

Definition of sin: Breaking God's laws; snubbing our nose at God and rebelling against Him.

Sin brings bondage. It's pleasures are temporary. God did not create certain desires that give us pleasure and then tell us not to do them. He is not the creator of sin. Satan devised sin as a way to capture, ensnare, and turn us away from the truth and the life and the way to live that brings freedom.

Witchcraft and satanism are alive and well in the Christian churches. Satan's scheme is to twist and distort truth and what better way than to infiltrate the Christian church. He loves to make Christians look like hypocrites; money-grubbing fools; and narrow hate-filled mongers. If satan can distort the true bride of Christ, he gains ground in keeping people away from salvation. Why not plant homosexual's in the church and have them broadcast far and wide, “God did not say you cannot sleep with a member of the same sex. God would not say that. He is a god of love. Go on, eat the apple.”

The true bride of Christ cannot be deceived or manipulated. The true bride of Christ understands holiness. The true bride of Christ loves the law.

Yet sadly, many who call themselves Christians are being deceived and manipulated.

One of the greatest forms of manipulation that is used by our enemy towards Christians is to plant the thought, “You are not showing love.”

Oh how weak we Christians are! Because we don't know we are completely and forever loved by Christ, in our depths of depravity we long to be loved and perceived in a positive light and so we panic. “I'm not showing love! Oh no! What will they think of me? After all, Christ showed love to the woman caught in adultery by not casting a stone.”

I believe that Jesus wrote in the sand the sins of the Pharisee's and exposed THEIR sins. The woman was willing to agree with Jesus that adultery is sin. We know this because Jesus said, “Go your way and SIN NO MORE.” He didn't say, “I know you've been abused and you were just committing adultery because of your past. I understand.” Nor did He say, “Come on Pharisee's, you are sinners too. Let's just love one another and all get along.” No, I believe He PUBLICLY exposed their sins which brought so much humiliation and shame that they had to walk away. It was a brutal thing for Jesus to do and it most likely caused them to hate him all the more for exposing their sin. Sin no more. Sin no more......sin no more.... it reverberates down through time. SIN NO MORE.

Due to satan's lies and our own false sense of guilt, many become bleeding heart's towards the homosexual community with attitudes such as, “Those poor gay people. They've been so hated and persecuted, I better make up for all the Christians in the world who have hated them and show them that at least I love and understand them.”  Of course, we need to love people who practice homosexuality, just as we need to love murderers, liars and adulterers but that doesn't mean that we have to be evasive or pretend that we think their sin is okay.  Love speaks up.  Love tells the truth.

One thing the Lord asks of us is that we agree with Him that sin is sin, yet the homosexual community refuses to do this. Most adulterers agree that adultery is sin; most liar's will say, “Yes, I shouldn't lie,” and thieves, though they may justify their thievery, will agree it is wrong to steal.

Telling a homosexual that their behavior is sin is NOT AN ACT OF HATE. It is an act of love. A love that longs to turn them around from the path that leads to destruction and put them on a path that leads to life.

On the converse, keeping QUIET is a sin. Do you not love enough to tell someone when they are going to fall off a cliff or that their house is on fire and they better get out quick? Love rescues. Love tells the truth. Love risks being hated and slandered. Love risks being misunderstood. Love wants the highest good for a person and not just temporal pleasure and happiness.

So, I shout it from the roof-tops: “YOU ARE BEING LIED TO! HOMOSEXUALTIY IS A SIN, A TRAP, AND A SNARE THAT IS HARD TO BREAK ONCE YOU ENTER!” God's word clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. The words have not been twisted. We all must turn from sin and agree with God that sin is sin. We must hate the things that God hates and love the things that God loves.

Why does God hate sin? Because he knows it will enslave and entrap. It's that simple. He loved us enough to write down FREEDOM on two stone tablets and forever give them to the world. That's what the 10 commandment's are: steps to freedom. Yet satan has twisted the commandments and lied to us and whispered to us in his slimy voice that it is an evil god who would try and tell us what to do and that we can't have happiness if we follow HIS way.

Life isn't a test that says, “Can you avoid sin and come to heaven?” It's not about that. It's about embracing HIM who is life and freedom and love.

Satan is a liar.

Come on Christians. You have been manipulated by the master of all lies. Quit kowtowing to the homosexual agenda! Quit worrying that you will be perceived as a hate-filled monger! If someone is addicted to drugs, do you say to that person, “I'm so glad it makes you feel good. Here's some money to buy more.” NO! You try and rescue them. It is the same with homosexuals. By your keeping quiet, you are keeping them enslaved and trapped into lies. Loving is telling the truth.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

I'm a Princess now!

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.”  Tommy Lasorda
If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count.

Live your life.....make your dream come true.” Asimakis

Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul and the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”
Napoleon hill

I don't remember anybody telling me those things when I was young. Today, those ideas are common-place and taught widely in the schools, but I don't remember being told to dream big or that I can do whatever I want as long as I believe in myself.

Would I have turned out differently, if someone had told me; if I was allowed to dream beyond being a wife and mother?

The only career-dream I can remember having was wanting to be a social-worker. That was because I read some books about a social worker helping foster children. But no one encouraged me in that dream and today I would not want to be a social-worker. I know that I could not co-labor with a society that believes in relativism. Yet, sometimes when I read quotes on dreams, I wonder why I never had strong aspirations to be a “success.” Do or did I have a weak mind? Did I miss out? Was there more that I could have aspired to?

At the bottom of my heart, when I go deep, I realize that my only aspiration in this life is to be His princess. Period.

That's really all I've ever wanted. And the dream has been fulfilled. I am His Princess! Day in and Day out, 24-7, forever and eternity.

I met the King when I was very young. I remember whispering to Him in my bed at night, telling Him, “I am yours.” When I was 9 I made a public declaration and was immersed in water at my church. At 13, I made another public declaration and soon after was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. But I didn't know I was or had become His princess until later in life.

At 42, after a life of “failure” which included: a divorce, a son hooked on drugs, and a job that barely supported me, He showed me a vision of a vase. The vase was broken and lay scattered in many pieces which He gently picked up and glued every single piece back together. The vase was now more beautiful than it had been before. Sunlight sparkled off the former cracks in the vase, now mended with gold. It was filled with fragrant, beautiful roses. He told me, “You are that vase and you are my Princess. You walk in the courts of the Most High.”

I carried that vision in my heart and noticed that I was starting to hold my head higher. I knew who I was. I knew my identity. One day, I was in Berlin, preaching on the street and someone gave me a pin they had which read, “I am His Princess!” I was so excited! I put the pin on my coat lapel and wore it proudly for several years. One day someone admired it greatly and I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Give it to her.” It was hard to give away as it had been a daily reminder of my calling, but I gave it to her. Years have gone by and now I do not regret that I gave my pin away. That girl needed it, just like I had needed the vision of who I am: cracked and broken but made beautiful by my King.

Every once in awhile, I see proficient people who are “living their dream” and have accomplished things far beyond what they ever thought or imagined. They worked their way out of poverty; against all odds they got a degree; they learned a foreign language; they bought their dream house or their dream car and I see that and think, “What's wrong with me? Why didn't I have those kinds of dreams?” But not for long because I remember, my only real dream in life is to be His princess and that dream has been fulfilled: I AM HIS PRINCESS! Spending time with Him, He has shown me ways to paint pictures; He has helped me to use my voice to worship Him and He has taught me simple chords on the piano. Together, we have written songs that He loves. We do fun things like walk down the street and pray for neighborhoods and people that pass us by. Nobody knows. Nobody sees. But we know and we smile together. Sometimes He blesses me with amazing gifts such as a gourmet dinner out paid for by a friend or an expensive pair of shoes found at the Goodwill. Together we have traveled all around Europe, to Israel and Belarus – far bigger dreams than I ever could have dreamt! I smile. I say inside, “He gives such good gifts to me, His princess.”

And my dream, my desire will never come to an end. It won't burn up when this earth fades away. I will be His princess into eternity.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016


More and more, I find myself bumping into Christians who say things like, “If we show them the power of Jesus, they will get saved!” Or, “If you have enough of the Holy Spirit, people will get saved,” and “If you make Jesus attractive enough, they will believe in Him.”

Will they? Do miracles cause people to fall on their knees in repentance? Does an attractive, loving Jesus cause people to want to become Christian?

These statements may be true in some aspects but are they truth? When I evangelize, my heart's burden is to pour the love of Jesus into the lost. I so desire that they see, feel and understand His love and I think, “If they can only experience His great love for them, then surely they will want Him in their lives,” but is that true?

Where were all the people who were physically healed during the three years of Jesus ministry when He was crucified? Where were they? Why weren't they there, protesting, “No! Don't crucify him!” Where were the people who saw bread and fish multiplied from 5 loaves and 2 fish?  Where were they when they were shouting, “Crucify Him!” Why were there only 120 believers in the upper room waiting for the Holy Spirit to come, when thousands were touched by Jesus?

We (in the church) today, think we are so free but we are STILL talking about methods. We are still putting Jesus into a box.

We've had waves of methods for evangelism. The circuit riders with tent revivals; the anointed men of God such as Spurgeon, Wesley and Billy Graham. We've done friendship evangelism and now we are talking about what I term, “power evangelism” which says if we can do enough miracles, they will be saved.

We are always being told that we are “doing it wrong,” and if someone sees a salvation, they package it and say, “This is the way to do it.”

Bethel Church and Todd White are teaching power evangelism – so the whole Christian world flocks to them and wants to be just like them.

“This way is right. That way is wrong...”

Did we ever stop to think that there is no right way?

What happened to abiding and walking with Jesus and allowing Him to guide us in each and every situation? Will we ever stop flocking to methodology and just look to Jesus and the Counselor, Guide who LIVES INSIDE?

If we are walking close to Jesus, He may have us come alongside someone in friendship evangelism one day and the next day use us on the street to do “power-evangelism.” He may challenge us one day to preach fire, hell and brimstone on the street and the next day, give food to the poor. Our God is a God of diversity and He is never locked inside of a method. He alone knows each individual intimately and He alone knows what will reach each person with His love.

We should be teaching ABIDING, not methodology. If we are all abiding in Jesus, falling in love with Him each day, and getting to know Him more and more, He will be our guide in evangelism.
“When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever He receives from Me. All that belongs to the father is mine; this is why I said, 'The Spirit will TELL YOU WHATEVER HE RECIEVES FROM ME.'” John 16:12-15

What glorious words! We don't need prophets to tell us how to evangelise or how to live. We have the glorious counselor and teacher living right inside of us!

I fear that many Christians feel inadequate or not as powerful or spiritual as say, Todd White. I think Todd White is wonderful and I am not rapping him, I am just saying that the Lord works individually with all of us. I am also saying that I wish Christians would stop criticizing other's methods of evangelism. I fear that many criticize methods because they are afraid that a hell and fire street preacher will make all Christians look angry and intolerant. As well, the average Christian wants everyone to have “happy” feelings for God. “This Christian culture of positivity depicts a God who is so enamored by us that judgement is contrary to his nature. John Burton (

Is it true that we can present Jesus as so irresistible that sinners will repent? I don't believe so. Judas Iscariot is a prime example. He lived with Jesus as close as any man could. He saw (and felt) His love, he saw the miracles and he heard the teaching, yet he let sin have the upper hand in his life. Judas did not choose Jesus, he chose sin.

Take the words of Jesus, “You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for THE MANY WHO CHOOSE THAT WAY. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult and only a few ever find it.” Matthew 7:13-14.

Jesus made it very plain that many more would go to hell than to heaven. Sadly the soul of man is “the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” Jeremiah 17:9

In conclusion, let's stop claiming we know the “right” way to evangelize. Even if we don't agree with another's method, let's encourage our brother's and sisters. Which is worse, a brother who sits and watches TV every night or a brother who stands on a corner compelling the lost to escape the fires of hell? If you believe the brother who speaks honestly about hell is worse than the TV watcher, I would suggest you need to “examine yourself to see if your faith is genuine.” 2 Corinthians 13:5. Also, if you are a successful evangelist, please don't assume that your method is the right one or the only way to evangelize. It's okay to teach your method of evangelism but it's not okay to criticize your fellow brother's and sister's.

We need to accept the sad truth that many, many people simply do not want to bow their knee to Jesus and make Him their Lord. It is hard to comprehend for those of us who love Jesus, why all the world does not love Him but they simply don't. Loving Him costs a lot. We have to die to our flesh, we have to accept His payment for our sins and we have to put Jesus on the throne of our lives and many are not willing to give up their throne.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Obsessed with beauty

       Honor and majesty surround him; strength and BEAUTY fill his sanctuary. Psalm 96:6 

     I was worshipping Jesus and felt such a strong sense of His beauty. He is beautiful! He is magnificent and then these thoughts came to me......

     I was thinking about how we women care so much about how we look. We so desire to be beautiful creatures. I had observed a 40 year old woman who every time she passed by a mirror, or even a store-front window shop where she could catch her reflection, would turn her head to look at herself. I happened to be walking behind her when I saw her look into the store-front shop. At first, I thought she was looking into the store but then I realized she was gazing at herself, so much so that as she was walking on, she turned her head to look back and kept looking. It made me wonder, "What is she thinking? Is she wondering if she is pretty enough?"  After this, I noticed for the first time that her hair is died jet black.  She keeps her figure slim and dresses very stylish. I also noticed that men were giving her attention.

     I'm the same way. I so want to look good all the time. I make sure the best pictures of myself are posted on Face Book and I constantly wish that I was skinny.  I think it is healthy to care how you look and we should all try to be the best that we can be but it is not healthy to obsess with how we look. Our worth should not come from our looks. We should not depend on a man's compliments to keep us secure and happy.

     Then I began thinking that although women can be obsessed with looking good for others, men can be just as obsessed with looking at beautiful women! Men love to look at pretty women and I guess it's nice that they appreciate beautiful women. The problem is when it turns from appreciation to obsession or lust.

    Anyway, I was pondering on all of this when I realized that we should only be gazing at the beauty of Jesus. Women worrying about their looks are only thinking of THEMSELVES. Men, looking around for beautiful women are also only thinking of THEMSELVES. If both men and women stopped worrying about physical beauty and instead searched for the beauty in Jesus - would, I think, make us all happier.

      "One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to behold the BEAUTY of the Lord." Psalm 27:4 

     David understood this. And he had plenty of beautiful women to gaze at, so the fact that he desired only to be in the temple of the Lord and gaze at HIS beauty shows that HIS beauty is way more wonderful and fulfilling than a women's beauty. The 24 creatures spoken of in Revelations do nothing but fall down before HIM and sing, "Holy, holy, holy are YOU." I believe that even His attributes look beautiful. Holiness looks like beauty; His goodness looks like beauty; and His loves shines out in beautiful streams. The 24 creatures are so overwhelmed, that they throw their crowns down before His beauty.

     So, to the women I say,  the next time you are in a worship service and you are tempted to worry if your eye-liner is running or lament the fact that you forgot to put your lipstick on, just forget all that! Start looking heavenward and really worship the Lord. You will gain a glimpse of His beauty and His beauty will fall on you and make you more beautiful than you ever thought possible.

 Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30 

     And you men, who are tempted to let your eyes wander the room so you can find the most beautiful girl in the room, know that there is a beauty beaming down on you and desiring your gaze. The King's beauty will so overwhelm you that you will thirst for nothing more than for one more glimpse of His face!

 Your eyes will see the King, in all His beauty. Isaiah 33:17a

 Honor and majesty surround him; strength and beauty fill his sanctuary. Psalm 96:6 

     He is truly beautiful. I have seen His smile, spread across His face so big and bright that I realized He has no worries! He is in constant joy. I have seen Him swirl and dance around the room during worship. His dance brings freedom and gladness. I have gazed upon His feet, still wearing the scars and imagining the great drops of blood and sweat falling upon them. They are the most beautiful feet and the reek of perfume still wafts off of them from the women who anointed those feel with perfume and her hair. I have felt His joy overwhelm my soul and found myself singing, "Beautiful, beautiful, He is only beautiful."