Sunday, November 12, 2017

What would Jesus have to say about the Sutherland Springs Massacre?

I was just as horrified and saddened as everyone else when I heard of the Sutherland Springs Massacre. I cried when I saw the Pastor's tears and heard some of the stories. My heart aches for the church and the whole community.

This morning when I was having my time with Jesus, I read something in the book of Luke that made me sit up. I've read the book of Luke so many times but hadn't ever really paid attention to those particular verses until today. They prompted me to write this blog, something I haven't done in a long time.

The verses are from Luke 13 starting with verse one, “About this time, Jesus was informed that Pilate murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the temple.” Luke 13:1

“Hey Jesus! What do you think about that? Tell us your opinion!”
I can only imagine how stirred up the people were and asking themselves many questions. They must have concluded that the worshipers were murdered because they were sinners because they asked Jesus, “Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?”

Jesus answered, “Is that why they suffered? Not at all!”

We all want to know the whys. Knowing the reason for things makes us feel safe, more insular. Maybe if they were horrible sinners and we are good, the same fate won't happen to us. Murder, any kind of murder makes no sense. It rocks our world and gives rise to feelings of fear. Suddenly shadows swirl around our little corner of the world, threatening an unknown force of evil.

Jesus says something very startling. I think if someone said this today, especially right at the time of a tragedy, people would be horrified. I am even thinking that by my writing His words in a blog I will be accused of being insensitive. Jesus did not start weeping. He didn't even sympathize with the crowd. He simply said, “And you will perish too unless you repent of your sins and turn to God. And what about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No, and I tell you again, that unless you repent, you will perish too.”

Jesus took them to an event that was accidental – the tower in Siloam falling. He wanted them to see that death can occur at any time, by an accident, natural causes or by evil people. Death has nothing to do with how good or bad we are. His perspective was,“You will die someday. Quit trying to figure out the whys and the wherefores but look to your own soul. You could die any minute. Are you ready? How is your soul?”

Assuming that Luke's gospel was in chronological order, which I think it was because Luke was a doctor and you can tell by the way he wrote the book that he was very serious about getting details just right. So in chapter twelve, just before thirteen, Jesus talks about death. I wonder if He already knew about Pilate and the murders. (He was God in human flesh and knew everything, even events that hadn't yet happened).Was Jesus trying to prepare them beforehand? Luke records that thousands were milling around Jesus and Jesus said to that crowd, “Dear friends, don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot do anymore to you after that. But I'll tell you whom to fear. Fear God who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell. Yes, He's the one to fear.” Luke 12:4-5

Jesus came to earth to save our souls. Period. He didn't come to make life on earth a paradise. His one mission was to die to take our punishment, so that we could live with Him eternally. He made every effort to speak truth to the crowds. It is truly wonderful and amazing that we have His recorded words still preserved 2000 years later! I get very bothered when I sense that Christians have lost sight of heaven. Heaven is what its all about We will all die and then we will live eternally, either in heaven or hell.

Gun control is not the answer. Making stricter laws might help but there will still be evil people doing evil things. Evil will be with us until Jesus returns to earth and sets up His kingdom. Nothing we do will eradicate evil because satan is alive and well, along with his demons and humans who follow him.

Lets be like Jesus and keep our minds focused on eternity. Eternity is what matters. The wonderful thing about the murder of the people in Sutherland is that they all appear to have been true born-again children of God and so they are all in heaven. They were simply translated, in the blink of an eye into heaven! They were mostly likely greeted by relatives and friends who had gone on before. Jesus hugged them and welcomed them into His Kingdom. It must be hard for residents in heaven to know how much they are missed on earth. That is the hard part for all of us. We all at, one time or another, feel the ache of someone missing from our lives because they have passed from this earth. That is the consequence of love. Grief only shows that we have loved and so there is nothing sinful or wrong with a heart that aches for a loved one who has been translated from this earth to heaven.

Don't fear Isis. Don't fear natural disasters. Don't fear crazed gunman. Fear God.