Wednesday, March 16, 2011

der Garten Worship

We had no allusions when we made the decision to do worship every night (except Sat. & Sunday) in der Garten cafe.  I even said to BreAnna and Thilo, "I feel pretty sure it will be just us worshiping in there every night."  They agreed that this was most likely so.  Furthermore we all agreed that this was okay.  Our goal in doing worship is not to make crowds but to glorify Jesus.

Last night in der Garten I felt that my heavenly Father's heart was filled with joy.  I know mine was.  Mostly because of Louis.  We met him two years ago in Boxhagner Park when we first went in there to evangelize.  He came right over to us and started talking to us in his half-German/half-Spanish speak.  He told us he was a Pilgrim following after God.  We told him the whole story of Jesus and he was excited to pray with us and be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Louis is from Venezuela and  dresses colorfully just like you'd imagine a Venezuelan to look with lots of jewelry and colorful shirts.  He was in a bicycle accident some years ago and had a brain injury.  He walks with a shuffle and his speech is hard to understand but his smile is huge and every ready.  He calls me "Mutti" even though I am only 4 or 5 years older than him.  When we take tracts about Jesus to the park, he takes handfuls from us and passes them out to every one.  Usually when Louis comes into der Garten he only stays long enough for a cup of tea and a prayer for his brain.  "Mutti, Mutti, beten fur mein kopf!"  (Mom, pray for my head).  But last night Louis stayed for an hour and a half.  He was dancing and praising and really seeking God!  I saw his face turned up to heaven with joy and wonder all over his expression.  He was playing the tambourine and we laughed together.  I was so excited that this Louis whom we met two years ago was now a full-fledged son of the King enjoying life in the kingdom.

Another gal was there who has been set free from horrific child-abuse.  The minute she came in she began singing.  Her joy & freedom are so precious to her that she just bubbles over at times with joy. 
Another young lady was laying on the couch...soaking in the presence of God.  Then there were the sounds of a harmonica being played by a man who is our only regular worshiper.  He comes in night after night with his harmonica's and joins in to the guitar playing and piano.  Another lady was sitting on the carpet pouring over her bible receiving words of revelation.  Then there was our neighbor who is in a wheelchair.  He can't dance or even clap his hands but the joy on his face was evident. My daughter was at the piano learning to play chords with the guitar and I was tapping out tunes on the xylophone.  I looked around me and joy started spilling out of me.  All in all there were ten of us worshiping!  All of us weak and with failures.  None of us successful by worldly standards.  Yet I believe we made the Father smile.  I felt HIS smile and pleasure and that makes me strong and successful. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was there too!! And what an blessing and joy to have gone there that night!
    By the way God has come forth in answering our prayers req, with all my pappers w/ health insurance, all ceardout since yesturday!

    Praise our Lord and God!
    And thanks so much for stadding in that open crack that is just wadenning openning the whole doors!
    love you, all just like that.
