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York - dog Spock - and Kahal |
But one young guy whom I had never seen before and had the biggest grin spread across his face came out of the park and over to us. At that point, we began singing, "All we are saying is give Christ a chance......" and Kahal sang with us and wanted to march around with us which he did. When we were finished circling the park, we went inside and sat down in the middle. Kahal joined us and pulled out his poetry notebook and began to share his poetry with me and so began our friendship.
After that, we saw Kahal almost every time we came into the park which we did about once a week to take in cookies, smiles and the love of Jesus. One day he told me that his bike had just been stolen. I felt so bad for him and offered to pray for a new one. As I was praying, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had a bike sitting in our courtyard that I wasn't using and that I should offer it to him. I did and he said he would take it. He followed me home and I gave him the bike. He seemed so pleased. About a month later, I came into the park during the Sunday flea-market and I first saw Kahal trying to avoid me, ducking his head down and acting embarrassed. Then I noticed my bike. There it was for sale. He was so embarrassed. I told him, "Kahal, I gave that bike to you with no strings attached. It is yours to do with as you please."
When the summer was over, Kahal disappeared and I heard that he went back to Ireland. The following Spring, there he was again in the park. We greeted one another with smiles and hugs. A couple of months later he announced that he was getting married! He had met a girl in the park and they did get married. It didn't last long - maybe a couple of months.
He stayed in Berlin that Winter and at that time, we began having dinners in our then cafe - der Garten. We invited Kahal and his brother who had joined him in Berlin. They also had a friend, Osian that we met as well. They began coming into der Garten once a week for a hot meal. Once time we decided to show them "The Passion of Christ" movie. They seemed to watch it with much interest. I explained things to them every so often. When he was dying on the cross, I explained to them that He GAVE His life for them, for all of us to take the punishment of our sins.
They dissapeared once again and we didn't see them until the following summer. This time we had started doing our home-church in the park. Every Sunday we took in a huge blanket with our guitar, bongo, bibles, drinks and small signs that said, "Free Prayer". While we were worshipping, Kahal came over and joined us. After awhile, Thilo decided to explain the gospel to him - once more. I had shared with him many times but this time, he was ready. He listened to Thilo and then prayed to ask Jesus into his heart. We all had such great rejoicing! After that, we didn't see him much and we weren't sure how strong his commitment to Jesus was.
Just three weeks before I was to leave Berlin and start traveling around Europe, I saw Kahal one last time. It was near my home. I was approaching the U-Bahn when I saw a familiar looking face and suddenly realized it was Kahal. He noticed me about the same time and both of our faces broke into huge grins and we hugged each other. He looked completely different. Gone was the jewelry that once hung all over his body. Gone was the ever-present cap. In their place was a man with shorter hair and clean looking clothes. He told me that he was pursuing a job in carpentry. "Can you believe that?" he said. He told me that he hadn't taken drugs in a long time and his only bad habit was cigarettes. Then he let me know that a lot of the changes were due to God. He acknowledged God and that just made my day. We hugged companionably and I knew in my soul that the Father was blessing me with this gift of Kahal. The Father was letting me know that our work was not in vain. Kahal was walking slowly toward the Light. I loved bumping into my friend like that. I told him that we were leaving Berlin and I really doubt that I will see him again until I see him in heaven. I had joy on that day.....a great joy overwhelming and bubbling over. It was worth it all.
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