Thursday, September 20, 2012

Yesterday I prayer walked in Wedding and the Holy Spirit led me to this cross.  It was looming in the air all golden and beautiful.  I walked in the gates, transfixed and then realized that I was in a cemetary.  A nice man, the Gardner asked if I needed help and I told him that I was just walking.   He told me that it was a French cemetery and that a famous French man was buried there. He walked me over to his grave.  There was a museum about this man but it was all in German.  From what I could gather, he was instrumental in planning and structuring the city of Berlin.  I prayed that the golden cross would shine out of that place and spark thoughts of what Jesus did for us.


Come away with Me.
We will leap on the mountains and we will walk on the wall.
My heart's desire is that you long for ME more than you long for travel and new places;
That you long for ME more than cherries and red wine;
That your heart would skip a beat when you think of Me;
and that all your desires, all your longing would be ME.
Seek ME and not excitement.
Tell me you love ME and not things of this world.
Gaze into my eyes.
Let me reveal myself to you each day.
Are you living to know Me or living for the excitement I bring?
Live to know Me.
Live to love Me.
I am your Beloved.
I am your Creator.
I am your desire.
I am your Suitor.
I am your everything.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I've been thinking a lot about Hebrews 12:2-3 which says, (Living Translation) "Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame.  Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne.  Think of all the hostility He endured from sinful people, then you won't become weary and give up."

I even wrote a bog recently about Jesus giving up the glories of heaven to come to earth, which must have felt like a prison to Him after the vastness and purity of heaven.

I just read the following quotes which go right along with some of the thoughts I've been thinking.  They are both from "The Vision and the Vow" by Pete Greig.

Charles Spurgeon, the great British preacher, said of Christ:  "His glory was that He laid aside His glory, and the glory of the Church is when she lays aside Her respectability and Her dignity and counts it to Her glory to gather together the outcasts."    Cited in Philip Yancey's Rumors of Another World p.198.

Your attitude should be the same as the Church, who
being in very nature Christ's beloved
did not consider her call to rule and reign
as a thing to be grasped
but became a simple nobody
indistinguishable from the poor
utterly human
nothing special.
And being found in appearance as a loser
she continued to choose downward mobility
to the ultimate dead-end 
of anonymity, failure, and even martyrdom.
God swapped her overalls, covered in blood, mud and grime,
for the most beautiful bridal gown of all time.
He placed a ring upon her calloused finger
and gave her His name - the one about all others-
that when she walks down the aisle,
her crimson dress as white as snow,
her bridal procession should number thousands upon thousands 
from every tribe and tongue
their hearts overflowing with joy
as the trumpet sounds 
and the wedding feast begins

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beusselstr. Prayer Walk

Prayer Walk

I am amazed at how the Holy Spirit has led me on my prayer walks.  Last week He gave me the idea to go to a different station each day on the Ring-Bahn (which is the train that does a circle around Berlin) and pray for an hour while walking the streets.  Today was the day for Beussel Str. and after some amazing times of walking around beautiful parks on my other prayer days I wondered if there could be any beauty at Beussel Str.  This station is where we normally catch  a bus for the airport.  The road is busy with traffic and I was thinking that I did not want to walk in the direction of the airport.  However, as I came out of the station, there was an unmistakable voice that said, “Turn right” and so I did.  I wondered why I was led in this direction but decided that I was to pray for all the commuters that possibly travel that route every day. I prayed that angels would be in their cars and (or) that the people would realize that angels are around protecting them.  I prayed for an awareness of their Father God and that they would be seized with the knowledge that there is a God and that He loves them.

Then I saw a sign that said, “Gedenkstatte Plotzensee” and although I didn’t know what Gedenkstatte meant, “See” means lake in German and I thought the Holy Spirit was leading me another lake and so I followed the signs.  I was disappointed when I finally got to the Gedenkstatte Plotzensee (means Memorial Center) because it obviously was NOT the See but looked like a huge factory!  There were no cars or people in sight and it was a little scary.  Then I came to an entrance gate with a Visitor Welcome sign with hours posted and so I walked in and found myself all alone in a huge courtyard.  In front of me was a big wall with the words written on it, “Den Opfern Der Hitlerdiktatur Der Jahre 1933-1945” – (The Victims of the Nazi Dictatorship – The years 1933-1945).

What a shock to see “Hitler” written on a wall in Berlin as Germans have done their best to rid themselves of any remembrance of him.  I walked further on and entered into a room that had pictures and information in German and English and I learned that the place had been a prison built in 1868-1879.  So, the Holy Spirit had led me to a former prison!  I was amazed and knew it was no accident that I was there.

It was massive in it’s day with 62 acres and housed 1200 prisoners.  When Hitler came to power, conditions at the prison became much harsher and many were killed for retribution or simply because they were “inferior elements.”  The saddest case I read about was a young man only about 22 years old who had said to his mother and her friend, “Hitler is a mad man.”  The mother’s friend turned him in and he was murdered at this prison.

 There is still a high wall that surrounds the acreage and I read that while much of the prison was destroyed in the war, the property is now a prison home for Juvenile Delinquents.  While I was walking around I could hear shouts and yells of many boys.  I longed to see them or visit them.  There was barbed wire on top of the brick walls which gave an eerie feeling and down the road many signs saying not to enter into those grounds.

I knew without doubt that the Holy Spirit had directed my steps to this former prison to pray.  I sat on a bench and asked the Holy Spirit, “What should I pray?” and I felt that He wanted me to walk around the complex and proclaim forgiveness.  As I began my walk around praying out loud, “Mercy & Forgiveness” I felt like I’d been slugged in the stomach – such an oppression came over me.  I almost felt sick but I kept on and prayed out loud, “He who the Son sets free is free indeed!”

After this I wanted to see if I could get a peek into the Juvenile Grounds but found you couldn’t get near.  I found myself walking alongside some Berlin Garden houses that are prevalent all over Germany.  I felt led to walk into the complex where there was a sign welcoming visitors to “our tiny garden”.  After the harshness, starkness and coldness of the prison this was a fresh breeze of joy for me.  The gardens were all unique and beautiful in their own way.  I thought about the fact that each garden was a picture of humans.  Some of the gardens were immaculate; some were stuffed with plants; some were clean and some messy yet they all had a personal touch.  They were all unique and that is how I think the Father views us: beautiful as flowers yet unique and special.  I had fun praying in the gardens and before I knew it over an hour had passed and I still had to walk all the way back to the train station.  The day had been well worth the time.  Walking and praying with Jesus is always an adventure!

Typical Garden plot with small structure

More on Germany's little garden plots.  I found this info at

 These are Germany’s allotment gardens, which are something like U.S. community gardens, super-sized. Though we like to think of urban agriculture and local foods as some sort of newfangled revolutionary things, Kleingartenkolonies have been around for a long time. The concept originated in the 19th Century, when the German government, instead of handing out welfare, granted land to poor folks to garden so that they could provide for themselves. The gardens were also intended to reconnect kids with nature, which was certainly an idea before its time.
Over the decades, the number of allotment gardens grew; when the city ran out of empty land, it bought more, with help from the federal government. After World War II, people actually lived on their plots, which may explain why so many of the current structures look more like little houses than potting sheds.
Today, there are more than 800 Gartenkolonies in Berlin, alone.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Be imitators of Christ!

JESUS learned OBEDIENCE from the things He suffered.   Hebrews 5:8

So, we too learn to obey our Papa through suffering.  

If we hang in there and stay obedient, then we learn that JOY comes in the morning and that all we suffered was for the glory of God.

Bend down Oh Lord and hear my prayer;  
Answer me for I need your help; 
Protect me, for I am devoted to you; 
SAVE me for I serve you and trust you.
Be merciful O God, for I am calling on you constantly.  
Give me happiness O Lord, for my life depends on you.
O Lord You are so good, so ready to forgive - 
so full of unfailing love,for all who ask your aid.
                                                    Psalm 86

A couple of months ago, I listened to an amazing testimony about a man (Dan Bauman) who was imprisoned in Iraq for his faith.  He was held in prison for 11 weeks with the threat of death over his head.  He really thought he would die and he was prepared to go straight into the arms of Jesus.  Thankfully, he was miraculously set free and through his testimony many prison guards and the Judge came to know Jesus.  After, I heard his testimony, I was reading Philippians 2:7 which says:

"When the time came, Jesus set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human!"  Message Bible

It hit me that for Jesus to come down and live on earth, it must have felt  confining; small; dirty; lonely; and constricting compared to heaven.  Perhaps similar to how prison felt to Dan Bauman or anyone who has experienced being locked up.  I don't believe that we can even begin to imagine the scope; immensity; purity and beauty of heaven.  Jesus was already reigning there and still He chose to come down to this earth.  Yet (vs. 8) He didn't claim special privileges.  Instead, He lived a selfless, obedient life, and then died a selfless, obedient death.  The worst kind of death as well, a crucifixion!  

The bible says that we are to be "imitator's of God" (Ephesians 5:1).  Say "Yes" to whatever God asks of you and keep the door of your heart open to Him.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Faith will be exercised primarily through feeling one thing and believing another.
                                                                        Michael Wells

Think I'll wait for the tide,
Seems it's all I can do right now
There must be a reason I've run aground.

I'll wait for the waves to come
By the moon and the tide
Like a man and his bride
And we will run so far from here
To your......... safety.

Think I'll lie in the Sun for awhile
Maybe inside out
I've been leaving messages for you,
 I'm sure it will all work out

And I KNOW the waves will come
By the moon and the tide
Like a man and his bride
I will wait on You Lord.
And we will run so far from here
To your........ safety in the storm

There is courage for the simple man
To the holders of secrets and scars
Learning to stand with reaching arms
We'll wait till the very last,
No matter what will be

We will run so far from here
I know the waves will come
By the moon and the tide
Like a man and his bride
I will wait on You Lord.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

JESUS at Breitscheidplatz

My summer team-mates and I prayed that afternoon, "Jesus, what do you want us to do?"  Immediately upon going into prayer, I "saw" us at Breitsheidplatz giving away bibles.  Gil said, "Let's make a sign that says 'Konstenlos Bibeln  and Gebeten'."  (Free bibles and Prayer).  We wrote this on a big white-board and brought along our big 'Free Hugs' signs, our guitar and bibles.

We set up right next to all the artists on Kurfürstendamm boulevard.  Gil began playing the guitar & singing while Danielle and I held the "Free Hugs" signs.  It didn't take long for a group of teenagers to come along, enthralled by our signs.  They had fun hugging and the next thing I knew, THEY were holding our signs and attracting passer-byes.   After a while, I asked one of the young boys if he would like a free bible and he noticed our sign and the bibles for the first time.  He didn't want one but immediately found a man walking by and almost grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bibles!  He was telling him, "Take a bible!"

Teen holding our sign

That man started asking questions, "What organization are you with?" and so I told him that we weren't with any organization.  He asked again and I repeated, "We are not with any organization."

"You have to be,"  he said.
I started laughing because it did seem ridiculous that I am not with any organization.  "I am the organization," I said.
"Why are you laughing at me?"  he asked.
"I'm not laughing at you.  I'm laughing because I know it probably doesn't seem true that I am not with any organization.  My organization is "To The Streets."
"Ah,"  he said, "That sounds cool."
"I am from the United States and I came to Berlin because I know that Jesus is so needed in Berlin and I came simply to bring Jesus.  No one sent me, except for God."
"So, you're not from any organization?"
"No, my daughter and I came to Berlin together and we started a mission called, "To the Streets".  We have a cafe called der Garten that we would love you to visit."
"So, what church do you go to and what is the name of your Pastor?"  (He was STILL searching for an organization).
I had to laugh (inwardly) again.  "Well, we don't belong to any church either.  We do home church in our cafe.  We meet on Sunday night and we read from the bible, we share our lives together, we sing and we pray."
"That sounds cool.  I would like to come sometime."
I had already learned that he was originally from Africa and I said to him, "I bet you know all about Jesus and how he died for your sins."  He affirmed this was true.  I told him that every African I meet knows all about Jesus but that they aren't living for Him and they don't know his power.  Again, he affirmed this was true.  I said, "Can I pray for you?"
He said I could.
So we walked down the street and prayed together.  I prayed that he would see the severity of our times and that the only worthwhile life is one where we give our all to Jesus and that everything else is a waste of time.  I prayed that the power of Jesus would come to him in the night with dreams and that He would sense the nearness of Jesus in his life."  As we walked and prayed, I knew Jesus was touching him.  I knew Jesus was near and the joy was overwhelming.

All of this because some crazy teenagers grabbed our signs and pulled a stranger out of the crowd to our bibles.

We only gave away one bible that day but the elderly gentleman who took it was so thankful.  He said that he didn't have a modern version of the bible and he was very pleased to receive one.

Touching people.  Touching lives.  Spreading JOY through Free Hugs on the streets.  Telling perfect strangers that Jesus is alive and loves them.  Touching heaven - touching earth.  May the people not even remember us but may they always carry with them, "WHAT WAS THAT?  I FEEL A LONGING FOR SOMETHING MORE!  SOMETHING WAS STIRRED IN ME THAT I HAVEN'T FELT FOR A LONG TIME.  GOD, ARE YOU THERE?"

Saturday, March 3, 2012

by Jodi Anderson

WHAT IF? What if there was a place to gather in your City, that was open 24 hours a day? What if it was a place to pray and worship. A place to collaborate. A place to receive healing and encouragement. What if there was a place to play music, sing and be artistic. What if creative people could share their talents with one another and get behind each other and promote one another in their vision and calling. What if teams could gather and meet at this place to go out on the streets, healing the sick, raising the dead, street theater, street poets and artisans. What if it was a place to connect with like minded and like hearted people. What if you could pool your resources, time and energy and see communities affected by you being what you were designed to be. What if visionaries could come together and share their dreams and visions with those who have the ability to make things happen. What if you could invest in this place and actually have ownership. What if you all got along and loved each other and knew how to live from unoffendable preferring each other above yourself. What if you could just be in a place and share your thought and ideas even if they were never accomplished. What if it was a place to just have really deep meaningful relationships and this was put above all projects and endeavors. What if you could just be apart of something and it really didn't matter what you did but just being together and sharing your lives with others brought more satisfaction than anything. What if!!!

My friend from Oregon wrote 'What If' and put it on her FB page.  When I read first thought was, 'This is der Garten!'  So I copied it down in my journal because I wanted to keep it.  Later, I read it to Bre and Thilo.  They too said, "That sounds like der Garten!"   

So now I feel more focused and energized to keep on and to expand and grow into the, "What If?" in a fuller way.  What if there were rooms like this all over Berlin?

Above all - let the name of Jesus be glorified in der Garten.  Not our plans, our schemes or even our dreams.  
Let Jesus be glorified.